In founding Regina Mundi College, Miss Corrigan sought passionately to give living expression to her concept of true education based on religious commitment, educational and cultural values and dedication to public service. The ethos of the school is Christian, based on the philosophy, official teaching and practice of the Roman Catholic Church, while respecting other traditions, values and beliefs. Miss Corrigan encouraged her school community to develop “a spirit of loyalty and responsibility”. These are still essential characteristics of the College. Regina Mundi College encourages each student to be “excellent”, to work hard, to develop her talents both academic and non-academic. Achievement in every field of endeavour is affirmed in Regina Mundi College.
Each student is expected to have a strong sense of social responsibility and to achieve a balance between the concept of personal excellence and the ideal of social service. Fundamental to this aim is the understanding that community service begins in the home and that the school supplements the home to expand the student’s experience and opportunity.
The principal and staff, together with parents and pupils, strive to realize the objective of its founder Miss Corrigan, that Regina Mundi College should contribute to the quality of life in Cork. A practical expression of this concern for the community is promoted, where appropriate, through civic occasions and community service and through the encouragement of a strong spirit of loyalty and responsibility binding all in a common interest and well defined objective. The mottoes of the school are: “Sapientia et virtute” ( with wisdom and courage), and “Each for all and all for each”.
Mission Statement
Regina Mundi College is a Voluntary Secondary School, founded by Miss Margaret Mary Finbarr Corrigan in 1961. It is under the supervision of a Board of Directors. The ethos of the school is Christian, based on the philosophy, official teaching and practice of the Roman Catholic Church, while respecting other traditions, values and beliefs.
Our aims as educators are:
- to cherish excellence in each member of the school community
- to develop in each student a strong sense of social responsibility
- to promote and encourage the potential of each student
- to accommodate and nurture the ability of all our students
- to prepare them for further education, the world of work and to become committed members of society
We aim to achieve these goals through the dynamic partnership that exists between students, parents, staff and management.