The following subjects are offered at Junior Cycle: Irish, Mathematics, English, French, German, Latin, Science, Home Economics, Art, History, Geography, Religion, Music, Civic, Social & Political Education, Business, Social, Personal & Health Education, Physical Education.
All First-Year classes are mixed ability classes. An element of streaming is introduced in Irish, English and Mathematics in Second Year and Third Year. For all other subjects mixed ability classes pertain.
Regina Mundi College, in collaboration with Wriggle, is enabling students to use tablet devices for learning anytime and anywhere by becoming a 1:1 school.
The term 1 to 1 (or 1:1) means 1 device per student, so every student in a 1:1 school has their own device for learning. These devices are pupil owned and are managed by the school and Wriggle.
This is done to give every student access to the appropriate websites/applications in order to ensure that they will reach their potential and to prepare them with the skills they will need for college, work and life.
A ‘device lesson’ will look very similar to a lesson without a device and expectations of pupils will be exactly the same. The main difference will be that the device will be used to enhance the learning which takes place.
The benefits of 1:1 digital learning are numerous including:
Giving students access to tools to support independent learning
Building students’ key skills to prepare them for college and work life
More efficient storage and easier assessment of student work
Enhanced communication, engagement and collaboration between staff & students